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Error message when applying discount codeUpdated 8 months ago

Have you redeemed paws for a discount or have a code that is failing to work at checkout? 

So sorry! 

Previously we used an application that would fail us (our customers) at times. 

The good news? We have transitioned to a new loyalty program and such issues are a thing of the past. 

If your code was generated using the old platform,  we can manually add said code for you! We will do so to make sure you get the discount you are owed. 

Please provide the following details when connecting with our team:

  1. Code
  2. Your email 
  3. Are you a new or existing customer

Want to experience the new and improved REWARDS page? Simply login to your account via our website.

You will be greeted with the following 

Petzyo Rewards - Watch Video

Email [email protected] for assistance or start a chat on site for support.




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